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Clearance Sale: Grey Glove80 with Red 50gf Linear Switches for US$369

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Glove80 Travel Case and Glove80 Revision 2

Glove80 update

We made Glove80 at first just for ourselves and for our friends. When we decided to bring Glove80 to the market two years ago, we made it our mission to sustainably make the best ergonomics accessible to as many people who need it as possible, everywhere it is needed. We discussed our history and mission in more detail in an article on Keyboard Builder's Digest.

We would like to thank all of you supporters, especially the Kickstarter backers, for bringing our mission to life.

And we have not forgotten our mission.

Glove80 Travel Case

Glove80 is designed to be light and portable because many of us need to type at home, but also on the go: whether in hybrid work arrangements, on business trips, visiting clients, at conferences, or wherever life takes you.

For many years, we've dreamed of having a custom travel case to take our Glove80 everywhere we need to be. Finally, it is here.

The Glove80 Travel Case is specifically designed to work with most laptop backpacks supporting 15-inch laptops. Now you can easily and safely bring the amazing typing comfort of Glove80 everywhere.

Glove80: the Second Revision

With the launch of the Glove80 Travel Case, we have decided to take the opportunity to update our Glove80 offering to a new level. We have listened to your comments and we are making Glove80 even better out of the box.

Glove80 Revision 2 will come with the Glove80 Travel Case to take your Glove80 everywhere.

To make the user experience of Glove80 even better, Revision 2 will also include: 

  • 2 x blank MBK keycaps to serve as homing keycaps. We don’t think homing keys are necessary once you get used to the Glove80’s contoured keywell, but they are excellent training wheels for new Glove80 users.
  • 24 x silicone O-rings (12x OD 5.5mm ID 3.5mm, 12x OD 6.5mm ID 3.5mm), to firmly secure the feet from wobbling when making minor height adjustments.

To improve Glove80’s fit and finish, we also made a minor improvement on the injection mold to fit an extra case screw.

Engineer checking the fit and finish of the improved caseEngineer checking the fit and finish of the improved case

So how much would the Glove80 Revision 2 be? The same exact US$399 including shipping! It is after all our mission to make Glove80 accessible everywhere. Note: Red Pro variants have a surcharge of $10.

Revision 2 will start shipping in October (exact dates depend on variants). If you have pre-ordered a Red Pro variant or a Switches-Not-Soldered variant, they will be Revision 2 units.

Starting immediately, the remaining stock of Glove80 Revision 1 without the Travel Case will be reduced in price to US$379. This is an incredible deal and only available while stock lasts.


$20 voucher for MoErgo customers who have purchased Glove80 since 1 September

For all supporters who have purchased a Glove80 Revision 1 from 1 September onwards (excluding those bought at the clearance price), you will be gifted a $20 discount voucher for our webstore. The single-use voucher will be delivered by email.


Free Glove80 Upgrade Kit for our Glove80 customers

We have prepared an upgrade kit with:

  • 2 x blank MBK keycaps
  • 12 x O-Ring OD 5.5mm ID 3.5mm 
  • 12 x O-Ring OD 6.5mm ID 3.5mm

All existing Glove80 Revision 1 customers are eligible for a free Glove80 Upgrade Kit. However you are responsible for the shipping cost (US$12 flat-rate). The single-use voucher will be delivered by email.


Subsidized shipping cost for Glove80 Travel Case

It turns out that the shipping cost of Glove80 Travel Case is almost identical to the shipping cost of a Glove80. This of course makes sense, since the box is the same size.

As a token of our appreciation to our loyal Revision 1 customers, we have decided to heavily subsidize the shipping costs of the Glove80 Travel Case. The Glove80 Travel Case will be available under the US$12 flat-rate shipping plan.

The Glove80 Travel Case itself will be priced at US$48. Each Travel Case will come packed with a Glove80 Upgrade Kit.
